The Best Orange Cake Recipe | Simple. Tasty. Good. (2024)

The Best Orange Cake Recipe | Simple. Tasty. Good. (1)Watch my video of how I am preparing a superb vanilla and orange cake recipe from scratch in my fabulous KitchenAid Stand Mixer Mini! What a delicious afternoon tea cake… Delicious!

So here is the thing.

I stumbled upon a similar orange cake recipe while we were on a trip traveling around in Crete, a Greek island. I ordered that cake after dinner in a little town somewhere. I think it was Rethymnon but I am not sure about it.

Anyway, we had just had this fabulous traditional roasted lamb leg dinner with baked potatoes and fresh tomatoes.


And wanted to end in style with a sunny dessert.

My god.

That orange cake for dessert was so incredibly moist and sugary and at the same time also light and fluffy as well. What an incredible cake!

But what hit me the most was the orange flavor. That strong flavor of the orange was so overwhelming.

And yet it was very natural because I could taste that whoever baked this cake had also incorporated a good deal of fresh orange zest into the cake batter.

So I decided there and then to start a baking experiment at home even though I am not much of a baker at all.

And my search for an easy recipe for orange cake using fresh oranges began.


So then I thought, there surely has to be one good secret behind every good cake from scratch. One that I haven’t discovered yet because my cakes used to be so bad in the past.

They all seemed to come out of the oven shaped like an erupting volcano in the middle. But then also terribly blackened on the sides and still raw and runny in the middle. Or on the contrary, extremely dry like sandpaper.

Does that sound familiar to you?

Cake Disasters

I can tell you all about it.

It probably has something to do with the consistency of the batter. And the ration of the ingredients in it. I’m more of an experimental cook. And therefore I am not good at sticking to a recipe. Which totally explains why baking is not really my thing and never will be.

What about you?

Are you a good baker?

The Best Orange Cake Recipe with Orange Juice

Anyway, I have always found that very strange.

Up until the moment that I realised that I should probably follow a cake recipe to a tee.

Also because ready made batters from my local supermarket do succeed in my kitchen! But then I guess that this tells more about me than about those supermarket batters.

But enough is enough.

It is about time that I try to make one good old school cake in my life then. And guess what, I think that I really found the perfect orange cake recipe with orange juice at last. And an orange cake recipe using whole orange that I will stick to in the future.

No free styling anymore!

Video Recipe

But before we head over to my perfect orange cake recipe below, please watch my video of how I am preparing this superb vanilla and orange cake recipe in my fabulous KitchenAid Stand Mixer Mini!

I did prepared this cake in my fabulous KitchenAid Stand Mixer Mini.


If you don’t have a stand mixer, then you can combine all the ingredients in a large mixing bowl until you end up with a fairly runny batter. Then pour it all in a buttered springform pan and bake the cake until it is fully set and cooked in the middle.

Do you love baking cakes like these?

Then you should also check out another delicious cake recipe that I am very fond and proud of: my almond cake with honey and yogurt! Speaking of fluffy light cakes, that one is also a keeper! Do try it out as well!


The Best Orange Cake Recipe | Simple. Tasty. Good. (2)

Easy Orange Cake Recipe with Vanilla

The Best Orange Cake Recipe | Simple. Tasty. Good. (3)


Orange Cake Recipe

Prep Time

30 mins

Cook Time

30 mins

Total Time

1 hr

Watch my video of how I'm preparing a superb vanilla and orange cake in my fabulous KitchenAid Stand Mixer Mini!

Course: Dessert

Cuisine: Mediterranean

Servings: 6 people

Calories per serving: 233 kcal


  • zest and juice of ½ fresh large orange
  • 3 medium eggs separated
  • 4,5 oz caster sugar (125 g)
  • 6,5 oz self-raising flour (185 g), sifted
  • 3 tbsp very soft unsalted butter (45 g)
  • 2 drops vanilla extract
  • salt


  1. 1) First off: add the soft butter, the sugar and the egg whites to the bowl of the KitchenAid Stand Mixer Mini.

  2. 2) Attach the wire whip. Lower the mixer head.Then set the speed at 4 and mix the ingredients for 2 minutes until pale and airy.

  3. 3) Adjust the speed to 6 and whip the ingredients for 3 more minutes.

  4. 4) Then add the self-raising flour, the orange zest and juice, a pinch of salt, the vanilla extract and the egg yolks to the mixing bowl.Mix the ingredients at speed 4 for 2 minutes.

  5. 5) Then adjust the speed to 6 and whip the ingredients for 3 more minutes.

  6. 6) Remove the wire whip.Pour the cake batter in a buttered springform pan of 6-inches (15 cm) in diameter. Bake the orange cake in a preheated oven at 338°F (170°C) for 45 minutes until set in the middle.

  7. 7) Then remove the cake from the oven and let it cool down fully in its tin. Cut the cake into wedges and serve.

    The Best Orange Cake Recipe | Simple. Tasty. Good. (4)

Also check out these recipes

The Best Orange Cake Recipe | Simple. Tasty. Good. (2024)


How do you make an orange cake less bitter? ›

Solution: boil the oranges. This removes the bitterness as well as softening the oranges to make them “jammy”, which makes the cake damp and sticky inside.

What can I add to my cake to make it taste better? ›

Enhance With Extracts

Pure vanilla extract and pure almond extract are great options, but you could also try lemon extract or orange extract paired with fresh citrus zest. Although more expensive, vanilla bean paste or fresh vanilla beans will provide even richer flavor to a boxed mix.

Can I use orange juice instead of milk in a cake? ›

Any liquid can be substituted for the milk in a recipe with a 1:1 ratio. Choose the best liquid for your recipe: Is your recipe sweet or savory? You may choose between a fruit juice, water or broth, depending on if your recipe's flavors.

What makes a cake tasty? ›

Baking tip #6: Adding a touch of vanilla extract, ¼ teaspoon to be exact, is all it takes to make your box cake taste better, even homemade. Using authentic vanilla permeates your cake, leaving the essence of vanilla in every bite.

Why does my orange cake taste bitter? ›

You may have grated into the pith (the white part of orange skin) instead of just zesting the orange part. This tastes very bitter and can affect the flavour quite a bit. You may have over reduced (boiled) the sticky orange syrup which resulted in it burning a little. Burnt orange tastes very bitter.

How do you fix a bitter taste in a cake? ›

One way to fix a bitter cake is to add a small amount of an acidic component, which is highly recommended especially when you toss in too much baking soda. If your cake recipe contains chocolate, you can add a ½ teaspoon of cocoa powder. Here are some other ingredients you can try: Lemon juice.

How do you make your cake taste like it came from a bakery? ›

Step 1: Look at the directions on the cake mix. Step 2: Add one more egg (or add 2 if you want it to be very rich). Step 3: Use melted butter instead of oil and double the amount. Step 4: Instead of water, use whole milk.

What adds richness and improve the Flavour of cake? ›

How can I improve the texture and add richness?
  • Don't use water. You can replace water with a more flavorful liquid to enhance your cake. ...
  • Swap oils. There's a time and place for vegetable oil, but we all know butter makes everything taste better. ...
  • Put in an extra egg. ...
  • Add sour cream.
Nov 9, 2022

How do I make box cake taste like bakery? ›

Adding something rich and creamy is perfect for adding moisture and rich flavor: Adding some sour cream, yogurt or even mayonnaise will add a more dense, rich flavor (as a side note, there was a very popular cake made in the 70's and the secret ingredient was mayonnaise!).

Why is my orange cake dense? ›

Don't Over-Mix

That trapped air expands then deflates in the oven. A deflated cake is a dense cake! Only mix the wet and dry ingredients together JUST until combined. I usually run a whisk or spatula through the batter a couple times at the very end to ensure there are no large lumps at the bottom of the bowl.

Is cake better with milk or water? ›

“Cake Mix can usually be used with either water or milk. When using milk, however, you can probably expect better results because it can make the cake become more moist and rich in flavor.

What does adding milk instead of water to cake mix do? ›

Most box cake recipes will tell you to add water to the mix. Instead, try adding milk using the same proportions. This will make the cake richer and creamier because it ups the fat content. You can even use buttermilk here for a pleasant tang.

What does adding sour cream to cake mix do? ›

Sour cream is one of the fattiest dairy products; the extra fat content (for example, adding sour cream to a cake instead of milk) will make the cake moister and richer, says Wilk. "Fat, in any form (butter, lard, cream, etc.) shortens gluten strands, which essentially leads to the most tender baked goods," she adds.

What is the most delicious cake flavors? ›

Here is the best cake flavours in India:
  1. Chocolate Cake Flavour. The first choice of every Indian – The Chocolate Cake. ...
  2. Vanilla Cake Flavour. ...
  3. Strawberry Cake Flavour. ...
  4. Butterscotch Cake Flavour. ...
  5. Red velvet Cake Flavour. ...
  6. Fruit Cake Flavour. ...
  7. Pineapple Cake Flavour. ...
  8. Rasmalai Cake Flavour.
Feb 28, 2024

How do you take the bitterness out of citrus? ›

Since it's nearly impossible to remove the pith completely, the best way to get the bitter out is blanching the zest three times, by dropping it into boiling water to release the bitterness, then shocking it with ice water to stop the cooking (and repeat, and repeat).

Does boiling oranges make them less bitter? ›

The secret to getting rid of the bitterness. is to boil your citrus for 2 minutes. and then toss it in an ice bath to stop the cooking.

Does boiling oranges remove bitterness? ›

Boiling oranges may help to remove some of the bitterness from the fruit, but it will not completely eliminate it. Bitterness in oranges is primarily concentrated in the white pith, which is the layer between the skin and the flesh of the orange. The bitterness comes from compounds called limonoids.

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Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

Phone: +6742282696652

Job: Customer Banking Liaison

Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.