How to Tame Animals in Conan Exiles (2024)

How to Tame Animals in Conan Exiles (1)

Training animals in Conan Exiles gives players access to a vast array of chances. If you can grow baby animals into loyal pals, you can have a loyal companion or protector at your side.

This comprehensive guide will equip you with the knowledge you need to embark on this exciting adventure by teaching you how to tame animals in Conan Exiles.

But first, check out this awesome Conan Exiles dedicated server

Step 1: Find a Baby Animal

The first step in taming an animal is to locate a baby version of the desired species. Due to their tiny stature and docile demeanor, these juvenile animals are more amiable. Take your time exploring the game world and keep an eye out for these adorable yet bashful critters.

How to Tame Animals in Conan Exiles (2)

Step 2: Approach the Baby Animal Cautiously

Young animals in Conan Exiles often go near their ferocious adults. When you approach them, exercise caution so as not to agitate their guardians. Proceed with caution and keep a safe distance from any adult creatures in the area to avoid drawing their attention. Patience and close observation are essential during this stage.

How to Tame Animals in Conan Exiles (3)

Step 3: Capture the Baby Animal

The time to capture an appropriate baby animal has come. According to the search results, there are several ways to get newborn monsters in Conan Exiles:

a. Capturing in the Wild

Capturing a baby animal in the wild is one method of obtaining one. Explore the vast Exiled Lands or the mysterious Isle of Siptah maps to find these creatures in their natural habitats. How effectively you can forecast their environment and behavior will determine how successfully you can approach and capture them.

b. Purchasing from Vendors

Occasionally, certain game vendors like Urik, Master Tamer, or Ignatius the Greedy may sell eggs or young animals. Watch for these rare chances to enhance your collection with a special companion.

Step 4: Take the Baby Animal to Your Base

It's time to return the young animal to your base or another suitable area so you can start the taming process when you've successfully captured it. Make sure the animal has a safe and secure habitat to grow and mature into an adult pet.

How to Tame Animals in Conan Exiles (4)

Step 5: Provide Appropriate Care and Food

To guarantee that your young animal is successfully tamed, you must provide it with the right attention and food. various animals have various nutritional needs, thus it's important to read the game's instructions or relevant resources for detailed information on each critter's specific dietary requirements. Make sure the necessary foods are available and supplied for a successful taming process.

Step 6: Wait for the Taming Process

Training animals takes time, which is why Conan Exiles demands patience. Let the young animal mature into a companion animal on its own terms. Depending on the species you select, taming takes different amounts of time. Make sure you continue to provide your young animal all the care and attention it needs to stay healthy while you wait.

Step 7: Enjoy Your Tamed Animal

Following the completion of the taming process, the young animal will be kept as a pet. Best wishes! Now you have a loyal ally who will not desert you, will support you during combat, or will guard your base. Take some time to explore the realm of Conan Exiles with your freshly tamed beast.


Can I tame any creature I encounter in Conan Exiles?

No, not every creature in Conan Exiles is tamable. Only certain species can be tamed, and the process can only commence when the creature is still a newborn. The species that are best suited for taming are the infant forms of the ones you want to tame.

How do I know if a baby animal is ready to be tamed?

A baby creature in Conan Exiles will get visual signs that it can be tamed. It will continue to grow to a very increased size compared to when it was a baby. The behavior of the pet will also change from a passive state to a more active and playful one. These symptoms may be taken as the sign that the young is ready to go further in the process of taming.

Can I tame legendary creatures in Conan Exiles?

Oh, no, Conan Exiles doesn't actually cater to this kind of taming of legendary monsters. It is quite against their purpose—becoming a powerful adversary—so pay attention to finding and taming common species to be found.

Are there any special tools required for taming animals?

There are no additional tools to be used in the domestication of an animal in Conan Exiles.

The first step of domestication is to clutch the baby creature and start feeding it with taming attention and nurturing food. While the capture is in progress, and for your own safety, always bring the weapons and necessary gear for encountering aggressive adult monsters.

Final Thoughts

Taming animals in Conan Exjson Exiles is a fun, rewarding experience. With the help of this extensive manual, you will trap and raise young animals to be your faithful friends.

They are to be handled with consciousness, given due care and nourished properly; patience is to be shown while being trained. With the tamed companions ready at your side, you shall be ready to overcome the enemies laying in wait in the hostile world of Conan Exiles.

How to Tame Animals in Conan Exiles (2024)
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